Wayne Martin Belger
Photoshoot with the Untouchable camera at UICA
[Untouchable - HIV+ blood camera]
Color image
Provided by the artist - Wayne Martin BelgerUntouchable camera. Made from aluminum, titanium, copper, acrylic and HIV+ blood. The HIV+ blood is the filter in front of the pinhole and all the photographs are shot through it. I only photograph people living with HIV and AIDS with this camera. Inspired by one of my best friends who is HIV+, I created the project to photograph a global view of people living with HIV and how your location makes all the difference in your well-being. In 2012 I will be shooting with this camera in The Democratic Republic of the Congo, Sierra Leona, Liberia, Uganda and Ethiopia. If the camera is sold before the Africa trip, the owner will receive every #2 print, from every shoot in Africa for free. This makes this camera one of the best deals because the owner, if bought before the trip, could end up with over 100 photos from the camera for free. Also the proceeds from the sale will go to the HIV organizations I'm working with on this project.
[pers. email, 26 Nov 2011, Wayne Martin Belger to Alan Griffiths]