Benjamin Wooten, 2010, Motion study GI A [Detail], [Chronophotography], Archival inkjet print, scanned from a full roll of 120 film, Provided by the artist - Benjamin Wooten, LL/45155
Benjamin Wooten, 2010, Motion study GI B [Detail], [Chronophotography], Archival inkjet print, scanned from a full roll of 120 film, Provided by the artist - Benjamin Wooten, LL/45154
Benjamin Wooten, 2010, The Duchess Bombs Hwy. 8, [Chronophotography], Archival inkjet print, scanned from a full roll of 120 film, Provided by the artist - Benjamin Wooten, LL/45156
Benjamin Wooten, 2010, The Duchess Bombs Hwy. 8 [Detail], [Chronophotography], Archival inkjet print, scanned from a full roll of 120 film, Provided by the artist - Benjamin Wooten, LL/45157