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Fontayne & Porter
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Fontayne & Porter, 1848, September, Plate 1, Western Public Landing, Griffin Street, [The Cincinnati Panorama], Daguerreotype, compiled from micrographic scans, Public Library of Cinninnati and Hamilton County, LL/42596
Fontayne & Porter, 1848, September, Plate 3, Botanico-Medical College (AKA Mrs. Francis Trollope's Bazaar) (r of c) Christ Church (directly r), [The Cincinnati Panorama], Daguerreotype, compiled from micrographic scans, Public Library of Cinninnati and Hamilton County, LL/42598
Fontayne & Porter, 1848, September, Plate 4, Lawrence Street (c). The Lytle House (directly l), [The Cincinnati Panorama], Daguerreotype, compiled from micrographic scans, Public Library of Cinninnati and Hamilton County, LL/42599
Fontayne & Porter, 1848, September, Plate 5, St. Philomena's Church (l), [The Cincinnati Panorama], Daguerreotype, compiled from micrographic scans, Public Library of Cinninnati and Hamilton County, LL/42600
Fontayne & Porter, 1848, September, Plate 6, Kilgore House (c, l of bridge). Observatory (c. r of bridge), [The Cincinnati Panorama], Daguerreotype, compiled from micrographic scans, Public Library of Cinninnati and Hamilton County, LL/42601

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