Other: Theodore Julius Hoffman Other: Theodore Julius Hoffmann Other: P.A. Johnston
Born: Died: Gender: Active: India
Theodore Julius Hoffmann and P.A. Johnston. Calcutta Studio established in 1882. Darjeeling Studio established in 1890. Hoffmann took over the business on the death of Johnston in 1891. Simla branch opened in mid 1890s. It should be noted that a studio was opened in Rangoon, Burma sometime around 1890 although not much is known about it, or when it closed. Hoffmann joined John Claude White in July 1891 on a trip to Tibet and later published White‘s photographs. The company closed somewhere in the 1950s. Probably, after the studios of Bourne and Shepherd, the second largest commercial photographers in India with their large catalog of views of North and Northeastern India, Sikkim and Nepal.
At times the surname Hoffmann is written as Hoffman with a single n.
Johnston & Hoffmann
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Genealogy of Johnston & Hoffmann
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