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Mather & Lyon
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Mather & Lyon, n.d., H.S. Mather's residence [Cazenovia, Madison County, NY], [Views of Cazenovia & Vicinity.], Stereoview, front and back, Private collection of Dave Porter, LL/117427
Mather & Lyon, n.d., Vignetted portrait of a woman, Carte de visite, front and back, Private collection of Dave Porter, LL/117683
Mather & Lyon, 1868-1880, [Unidentified white building surrounded by fencing], [Views of Hamilton & Vicinity.], Stereoview, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/109684
Mather & Lyon, 1870s, [Albany St, North Side, Cazenovia, Madison County, NY], [Views of Cazenovia & Vicinity.], Stereoview, front and back, Private collection of Dave Porter, LL/117430
Mather & Lyon, 1872 (ca), Syracuse and Chenango Valley Railroad Tunnel, [Views of Cazenovia & Vicinity.], Stereoview, front and back, Private collection of Dave Porter, LL/117428

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