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Neue Photographische Gesellschaft (NPG)
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Neue Photographische Gesellschaft (NPG), n.d., [A model of a bee], [Bee breeding], Stereoview, Private collection of Tomasz Bielawski, LL/98942
Neue Photographische Gesellschaft (NPG), n.d., [Bees at the entrance to a hive], [Bee breeding], Stereoview, Private collection of Tomasz Bielawski, LL/98943
Neue Photographische Gesellschaft (NPG), n.d., [Inside a bee hive], [Bee breeding], Stereoview, Private collection of Tomasz Bielawski, LL/98944
Neue Photographische Gesellschaft (NPG), n.d., 167 Krieg 1914-15. Ueberschwemmte Schützengraben., Stereoview, hand-coloured, The Boyd / Jordan Collection, courtesy of, LL/97287
Neue Photographische Gesellschaft (NPG), n.d., 167 Krieg 1914-15. Ueberschwemmte Schützengraben., Stereoview, half, cropped, hand-coloured, The Boyd / Jordan Collection, courtesy of, LL/97383

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