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Albert Watson
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Albert Watson, 1981 (taken, later print), Jack Nicholson, Aspen, Colorado, Pigment print, Phillips de Pury - New York, LL/27391
Lightbox > Books
Albert Watson, 1988, Book cover for "Prada a Milano. Fotografata da Albert Watson", Book cover, Arcana: Books on the Arts, LL/936
Albert Watson, 1994, Book cover for Albert Watson, 1994, Cyclops, (New York: Callaway Editions), Book cover, Ader Nordmann, LL/58800
Albert Watson, 1996, Book cover for "Albert Watson: Mad Dog" by Albert Watson, Book cover, Arcana: Books on the Arts, LL/1271
Albert Watson, 1997, Book cover for "Stern Jewellers: the Lost Diary of Albert Watson" by Albert Watson, Book cover, Arcana: Books on the Arts, LL/1270

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