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Antonio Beato
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Antonio Beato, n.d., 321 Medinet Habou les prissoniers de Rameses [in pencil on back], Albumen print, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, McClung Museum of Natural History & Culture, LL/63965
Antonio Beato, n.d., Egyptian Vendor, Carte de visite, Private collection of Wolfgang Wiggers, LL/103865
Antonio Beato, n.d., Egyptian Woman, Carte de visite, Private collection of Wolfgang Wiggers, LL/103864
Antonio Beato, n.d., Facade, Temple, Abu Simbul, Aswan governorate, Egypt, Albumen print, The Courtauld Institute of Art, LL/36636
Antonio Beato, n.d., Granite Pillars Built by Tuthmosis III, Albumen print, Minneapolis Institute of Art - MIA, LL/54496

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