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Armand Noyer
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Armand Noyer, n.d., 142 Joyeux Noel, Photograph, Private collection of Peppin - Peppin Anaglyphes, LL/121309
Armand Noyer, n.d., 143 Joyeux Noel, Photocard, Private collection of Peppin - Peppin Anaglyphes, LL/121310
Armand Noyer, n.d., 18. Jesus enseignant pres d'un puit, Stereoview, Private collection of Peppin - Peppin Anaglyphes, LL/121267
Armand Noyer, n.d., 18. Napoleon entrée a Varsovie 15 Decembre 1807, Stereoview, Private collection of Peppin - Peppin Anaglyphes, LL/121293
Armand Noyer, n.d., 18. Napoleon entrée a Varsovie 15 Decembre 1807, [Vie du Christ], Stereoview, Private collection of Peppin - Peppin Anaglyphes, LL/121277

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