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David Brewster
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David Brewster, 1870, Book title page for Sir David Brewster, 1870, The Kaleidoscope, its History, Theory, and Construction, with its Application to the Fine and Useful Arts, Third edition (London: John Campden Hotten), Book title page, Private collection of Gary Dineen, LL/116032
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David Brewster, n.d., Cigar box label with a portrait of "David Brewster", Cigar box label, Private collection of Jack and Beverly Wilgus, LL/90489
David Brewster, 1856, Title page for "the Stereoscope its History, Theory and Construction with its Application to the Fine and Useful Arts and to Education" by Sir David Brewster (London: John Murray, 1856), Book title page, Google Books, LL/34768
David Brewster, 1864 (published), Fig. 115 David Brewster, Engraving, Google Books, LL/34354
David Brewster, 1875-1900 (ca), Sir David Brewster, Engraving, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/39555

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