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Doug Keyes
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Doug Keyes, n.d., A Brief History of Time, Stephen W. Hawking, 2001, [Collective Memory], Dye coupler print, 2 page spread, wood frame, Provided by the artist - Doug Keyes, LL/31489
Doug Keyes, n.d., Becher: Water Towers, 1997, [Collective Memory], Dye coupler print, wood frame, Provided by the artist - Doug Keyes, LL/31495
Doug Keyes, n.d., Flowers - A Guide to Familiar American Wildflowers, 1999 (left) / Another Water - Roni Horn, 2001 (right), [Collective Memory], Dye coupler print, 2 page spread, wood frame, Provided by the artist - Doug Keyes, LL/31493
Doug Keyes, n.d., History of Art, 1997, [Collective Memory], Dye coupler print, 2 page spread, wood frame, Provided by the artist - Doug Keyes, LL/31488
Doug Keyes, n.d., I Want to Spend the Rest of My Life…, Damien Hirst, 2002, [Collective Memory], Dye coupler print, 2 page spread, wood frame, Provided by the artist - Doug Keyes, LL/31492

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