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Ellen Susan
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Ellen Susan, 2007, 1LT Jeffrey Des Jarlais, [Soldier Portraits], Tintype, Provided by the artist - Ellen Susan, LL/29798
Ellen Susan, 2007, 1SG Robert Hindle, [Soldier Portraits], Ambrotype, Provided by the artist - Ellen Susan, LL/29800
Ellen Susan, 2007, 2LT Jacob Todd, [Soldier Portraits], Ambrotype, Provided by the artist - Ellen Susan, LL/29821
Ellen Susan, 2007, 2LT Justin Roman, [Soldier Portraits], Ambrotype, Provided by the artist - Ellen Susan, LL/29816
Ellen Susan, 2007, COL Nancy Hughes, [Soldier Portraits], Ambrotype, Provided by the artist - Ellen Susan, LL/29802

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