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Francis W. Joaque
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Francis W. Joaque, 1871 (ca), "An agent starting per [?] Hammock to another factory, by the Beach. W. Africa" [Africa, Equatorial Guinea, Bioko, Santa Isabel], Albumen print, British Museum, LL/52505
Francis W. Joaque, 1871 (ca), "Ivory Traders, Batanga 2." 5.5' N." [Africa, Equatorial Guinea, Bioko, Santa Isabel], Albumen print, British Museum, LL/52503
Francis W. Joaque, 1871 (ca), "Myself & some of my staff Mayamba." [Africa, Gabon, Mayoumba], Albumen print, British Museum, LL/52504
Francis W. Joaque, 1871 (ca), Native of C. Coast [?] wife & daughter [Gabon], Albumen print, British Museum, LL/52500
Francis W. Joaque, 1871 (ca), Portrait of small group of adult males standing on river beach, holding canoes under arms and over shoulders. Wearing cloths around lower bodies, holding paddles. [Gabon], Albumen print, British Museum, LL/52502

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