(Getty, 18 March 2021)
Louis-Antoine Froissart was the photographer for the city of Lyon, France, with a studio at Rue Merciere 22. Although he was known to have been active in the 1850s, scholars know little more about his life. As the city's official photographer, he worked principally in a documentary capacity, photographing scenes and events of municipal interest. Froissart is best known for documenting the disastrous Rhône River flood at Lyon in 1856. He made salt prints, albumen prints, and stereographs.
If you have a portrait of this photographer or know of the whereabouts of one we would be most grateful.
Genealogy of Froissart
If you are related to this photographer and interested in tracking down your extended family we can place a note here for you to help. It is free and you would be amazed who gets in touch.