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G.W. Thorne
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G.W. Thorne, n.d., Monuments. - 262. John Anderson, [Greenwood Cemetery, N.Y.], Stereoview, Private collection of Barry Wick, LL/113677
G.W. Thorne, n.d., Torwood near Birnam, [Views in Scotland], Stereocard, Private collection of Jeffrey Oaks, LL/127001
G.W. Thorne, 1860-1908, Fifth Avenue Hotel, front view, Madison Square, Stereoview, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/110738
G.W. Thorne, 1860s (late), New York Stock Exchange, Broad Street., [Public Buildings in New York and Vicinity.], Stereoview, The Jeffrey Kraus Collection, LL/107449
G.W. Thorne, 1865 (ca), General Grant, [Selections - Statuary], Stereocard, George Eastman Museum, LL/75686

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