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George Skene Keith
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George Skene Keith, 1844, Jerusalem, Mosque of Omar, Book illustration, J. Paul Getty Museum, LL/51483
George Skene Keith, 1844-1849, Ashkelon, Engraving, from a daguerreotype, Archive Farms, LL/113379
George Skene Keith, 1844-1849, Athlite, Engraving, from a daguerreotype, Archive Farms, LL/113380
George Skene Keith, 1844-1849, Caesarea, Engraving, from a daguerreotype, Archive Farms, LL/113382
George Skene Keith, 1844-1849, Castel Pelegrino, Engraving, from a daguerreotype, Archive Farms, LL/113384

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