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H.A. Kimball
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H.A. Kimball, n.d., [Untitled], [Stereoscopic Views of Newport and Vicinity], Stereoview, Private collection of Barry Wick, LL/121175
H.A. Kimball, n.d., [Untitled], [Stereoscopic Views of Newport and Vicinity], Stereoview, half, Private collection of Barry Wick, LL/121176
H.A. Kimball, n.d., 18. Gymnastic Exercise., [Shaker Village, Canterbury, N.H.], Stereocard, The Jeffrey Kraus Collection, LL/123932
H.A. Kimball, n.d., Frank at Centre Harbor, [Views of Concord and Vicinity by H.A. Kimball, Concord, N.H], Stereoview, Private collection of Barry Wick, LL/121181
H.A. Kimball, n.d., Frank at Centre Harbor, [Views of Concord and Vicinity by H.A. Kimball, Concord, N.H], Stereoview, half, Private collection of Barry Wick, LL/121182

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