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Inge Morath
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Inge Morath, 1953, Eveleigh Nash at Buckingham Palace Mall, London, Gelatin silver print, Staley+Wise Gallery, LL/5684
Inge Morath, 1956, Gloria Vanderbilt, New York City, Gelatin silver print, Ostlicht - Gallery for Photography, LL/115380
Inge Morath, 1957, Encounter on Times Square, Gelatin silver print, Galerie Johannes Faber, LL/1869
Inge Morath, 1957 (ca), 5th Avenue, New York, Gelatin silver print, Barry Singer Gallery, LL/2917
Inge Morath, 1957 (taken) 1970s (print), Shop window, New York, Gelatin silver print, Westlicht Photographica Auctions, LL/70573

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