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J.H. Jones
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Lightbox > Photographs
J.H. Jones, 1862, Gold Diggers (Tub and Cradle Process), [Her Majesty's Territories: Stereographic Views of Australian Sceneries], Stereoview, Bendigo Art Gallery, LL/113514
Lightbox > Books
J.H. Jones, 2013, Book cover for Alva Maguire, 2013, Her Majesty's Territories: Stereographic Views of Australian Sceneries, (Bendigo Art Gallery), Book cover, Private collection of Tom Mohr, LL/113516
Lightbox > Ephemera
J.H. Jones, 1862, Jones's Photographs of Australian Sceneries - List of Views, [Sales flyer], Advert, City of Sydney Library, LL/113489
J.H. Jones, 1862, Jones's Photographs of Australian Sceneries - Opinions of the Press, [Sales flyer], Advert, City of Sydney Library, LL/113488
J.H. Jones, 1862 (ca), Jones's Photographs of Australian Sceneries, [Sales flyer], Advert, City of Sydney Library, LL/113487

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