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James McClees
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James McClees, n.d., Frank. Frederick. Alice [Children of Amos Humiston (April 26, 1830 - July 1, 1863)], Carte de visite, Private collection of Mike Ellis, LL/127443
James McClees, n.d., Frank. Frederick. Alice [Children of Amos Humiston (April 26, 1830 - July 1, 1863)], Carte de visite, Private collection of Mark Dunkelman, LL/77671
James McClees, 1850 (ca), Portrait of a Woman, Salted paper print, Philadelphia Museum of Art, LL/71989
James McClees, 1850 (ca), Unidentified Woman (Paisley Shawl and Bonnet), Salted paper print, Philadelphia Museum of Art, LL/71990

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