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Jindrich Styrsky
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Jindrich Styrsky, 1937, Composition, Collage, Sotheby's - Paris, LL/56311
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Jindrich Styrsky, 1933, Book cover for Jindrich Styrsky "Emilie prichazi ka mne ve snu -- Emily Comes to Me in a Dream. Text by Bohuslav Brouk" (Prague: Edice 69, 1933), Book cover, Christie's - New York, LL/28366
Jindrich Styrsky, 1945, Book cover for Jindrich Styrsky "Na jehlßch techto dni -- On the Needles of These Days. Text by Jindrich Heisler, design by Karel Teige" (Prague: F.R. Borovy, 1945), Book cover, Christie's - New York, LL/28390

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