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Lightbox > Photographs
LeLieure, n.d., King Amedeo I of Spain (1845-1890), Carte de visite, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/11259
LeLieure, n.d., Man in Arab Costume [Probably for a carnival ball], Cabinet card, Collection of Michael G. Jacob, LL/119370
Lightbox > Stamps
LeLieure, n.d., Backmark for "Fotografia Le Lieure" with a map showing the location of the studio in Rome, Carte de visite, back, Private collection of William Jones, LL/77935
LeLieure, n.d., Backmark for "H. Le Lieure, Fotografo di S.S.R.M. - Roma", Cabinet card, back, Collection of Michael G. Jacob, LL/119371

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