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Léon Gimpel
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Léon Gimpel, 1907, 15 June, Autochromes of Leon Gimpel, Supplement of the Illustration issue of June 15, 1907, Autochrome, L'Illustration, LL/8931
Léon Gimpel, 1907, 15 June, Oranges and Wisteria (Oranges et Glycines) - Supplement of the Illustration issue of June 15, 1907, Trichrome print, magazine illustration, Private collection of Peppin - Peppin Anaglyphes, LL/125217
Léon Gimpel, 1907, 15 June, Oranges and Wisteria (Oranges et Glycines) - Supplement of the Illustration issue of June 15, 1907, Trichrome print, magazine illustration, Private collection of Mark Jacobs, LL/9278
Léon Gimpel, 1907, 15 June, Supplement of the Illustration issue of June 15, 1907, Magazine, Private collection of Mark Jacobs, LL/9277
Léon Gimpel, 1907, 17 June, King Frederic VIII and Queen Louise of Denmark, Paris [the first news pictures in color], Autochrome, L'Illustration, LL/8932

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