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Richard Maynard
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Richard Maynard, n.d., "Indian Canoes" [Handwritten], Stereoview, University of British Columbia, Library, LL/107723
Richard Maynard, n.d., Dominion Acid Works, near Vale, B.C., Stereoview, Private collection of David Turner, LL/107721
Richard Maynard, 1874, Alert Bay, photographer's portable darkroom on left, Stereoview, half, British Columbia Archives, LL/70872
Richard Maynard, 1874, 10 September, Naval seamen at Friendly Cove, Nootka Sound., Glass plate negative, British Columbia Archives, LL/104394
Richard Maynard, 1884, View of totem poles outside Killer Whale House in Masset village (formerly Massett) on Graham Island, Haida Gwaii (formerly the Queen Charlotte Islands), in British Columbia, Canada., Photograph, Pitt Rivers Museum, LL/107722

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