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1899, 16 June (published)
Mummy Photography

Magazine article
Google Books
16 June 1899, "Mummy Photography", The Photographic News, vol. 43, no. 181, New Series
Mummy Photography. - More fads with photography as a basis! We are told that in Paris, where the rage for the bizarre and the weird is highly developed, some whimsical mind has conceived the idea of having a real Egyptian mummy photographed with the head of a life person in place of its own. The notion got abroad, and, so we read, like other odd fancies in the gay city, found many willing to lend themselves to its propagation. No better proof of the popularity which this curious fad has attained, the same authority says, could be desired than the number of mummy photographs that are to be seen at present in the Parisian shop windows and the well-known faces they depict. We have not been to Paris to see for ourselves whether the shop windows are decorated with the gruesome kind of photograph referred to, but accepting the fact as it has been told, all we can say is that they do very funny things at times in Paris. And sometimes very silly ones.


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