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Hill & Adamson
1843 (probably)
David Octavius Hill with his daughter, Charlotte

Calotype print
18.6 x 12.6 cm
National Galleries of Scotland
Acc. No. PGP EPS 90
(Curatorial caption, accessed 23 November 2014)
David Octavius Hill was a respected painter and secretary of the Royal Scottish Academy before he entered into the famous partnership with Robert Adamson. A handsome, sociable and cheerful man, Hill was much loved within Edinburgh society. In 1837 he married his first wife, Ann Macdonald, who died in 1841, leaving him a widower with an only child. Charlotte, nicknamed Chatty, was born in 1839 but died in her early twenties. This photograph shows the affection Hill felt for his daughter. At the same time, this particular pose provided a practical way of holding the child still, as exposure times for the early calotypes could run into several minutes.


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