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Eva Leitolf
Grounds of Marquardt Palace, Marquardt
[German Images - Looking for Evidence 2006-2008]

66.5 x 53.5 cm (image) 81 x 69 cm (sheet)
Provided by the artist - Eva Leitolf
On 2 July 2007 a group of abusive shaven-headed youths intruded into the wedding party of a couple from Berlin being held at Marquardt Palace north of Potsdam, and assaulted the bridegroom and guests. After the wedding guests fled into the palace building, the group tore down the marquees and demolished the furniture. The palace caretaker, who lives in the area, told a newspaper that racism could have been a reason for the attack, because 'Turkish music' had been played at the wedding party, which had led to a rumour spreading round the village that 'a Turkish wedding' was taking place. Some of the local right-wing extremists, she said, had gone to the palace from a village fete taking place at the same time. The press office of the Potsdam police spoke on 7 July of a total of twelve suspects. These were citizens of Potsdam aged between twenty and thirty-five, including three women. According to the police press release the witness interviews already conducted by that time and other information gathered about the suspects gave no grounds to suspect a political motive for the crimes. The Potsdam state prosecutor instructed the police to continue the investigation on charges of bodily harm and criminal damage.


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