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National Trust Fox Talbot Museum
Lacock Abbey, High Street
Lacock, Chippenham, England, Wiltshire SN15 2LG
Tel: 01249 730459

Some random images from this collection.
Lightbox > Examples
Elmslie William Dallas, n.d., Constance Talbot, Photograph, National Trust Fox Talbot Museum, LL/90838
Henry Fox Talbot, 2016, 11 February, Celebrating the 216th anniversary of the birth of William Henry Fox Talbot, Photograph, with digital additions, National Trust Fox Talbot Museum, LL/66769
2014, 16 May, Evite to "Capturing the Light: The 175th Anniversary of the Birth of Photography" (The Fox Talbot Museum, Laycock, Wiltshire, 16 May 2014), E-vite, National Trust Fox Talbot Museum, LL/54185
Antoine Claudet, 1840-1865, Nevil Story-Maskelyne, Daguerreotype, National Trust Fox Talbot Museum, LL/112974

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