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Provided by the artist - Andrzej Maciejewski


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Andrzej Maciejewski, 1999-2001, Windsor Hotel and Dominion Square, [After Notman], Provided by the artist - Andrzej Maciejewski, LL/33628
Andrzej Maciejewski, 1999-2001, Mount Royal Park, [After Notman], Provided by the artist - Andrzej Maciejewski, LL/33598
Andrzej Maciejewski, 2000, St. Catherine Street, looking east from Stanley Street, Montreal, QC, [After Notman], Provided by the artist - Andrzej Maciejewski, LL/33604
Andrzej Maciejewski, 1999-2001, C.P.R. station "Château Viger", Viger Place, [After Notman], Provided by the artist - Andrzej Maciejewski, LL/33614
Andrzej Maciejewski, 1999-2001, Mount Royal Park, [After Notman], Provided by the artist - Andrzej Maciejewski, LL/33612
Andrzej Maciejewski, 2001, Peacock Alley, Le Windsor, Montreal, QC, [After Notman], Provided by the artist - Andrzej Maciejewski, LL/33630
Andrzej Maciejewski, 1999-2001, Dominion Square, [After Notman], Provided by the artist - Andrzej Maciejewski, LL/33584
Andrzej Maciejewski, 2000, The Lookout, Mount Royal Park, Montreal, QC, [After Notman], Provided by the artist - Andrzej Maciejewski, LL/33590
Andrzej Maciejewski, 1999-2001, Château Ramezay, [After Notman], Provided by the artist - Andrzej Maciejewski, LL/33636
Andrzej Maciejewski, 1999, Interior, Centaur theatre, Montreal, QC, [After Notman], Provided by the artist - Andrzej Maciejewski, LL/33586
Andrzej Maciejewski, 1999-2001, McGill University Campus, [After Notman], Provided by the artist - Andrzej Maciejewski, LL/33602
Andrzej Maciejewski, 1999-2001, Colonel Hamilton's grave in Mount Royal Cemetery, [After Notman], Provided by the artist - Andrzej Maciejewski, LL/33622
Andrzej Maciejewski, 1999-2001, Notre-Dame Church, [After Notman], Provided by the artist - Andrzej Maciejewski, LL/33608
Andrzej Maciejewski, 1999-2001, McGill University campus, [After Notman], Provided by the artist - Andrzej Maciejewski, LL/33632
Andrzej Maciejewski, 1999-2001, Monument to Paul de Chomeday de Maisonneuve, Place d'Armes, [After Notman], Provided by the artist - Andrzej Maciejewski, LL/33594
Andrzej Maciejewski, 1999-2001, McTavish Street, [After Notman], Provided by the artist - Andrzej Maciejewski, LL/33638
Andrzej Maciejewski, 1999-2001, "Monklands" - Villa Maria Convent, [After Notman], Provided by the artist - Andrzej Maciejewski, LL/33588
Andrzej Maciejewski, 1999-2001, View of Montreal from Mount Royal, [After Notman], Provided by the artist - Andrzej Maciejewski, LL/33646
Andrzej Maciejewski, 1999-2001, View of the Montreal harbour, [After Notman], Provided by the artist - Andrzej Maciejewski, LL/33610
Andrzej Maciejewski, 1999-2001, Place d'Armes, [After Notman], Provided by the artist - Andrzej Maciejewski, LL/33596
Andrzej Maciejewski, 1999-2001, Redpath Library, McGill University, Redpath Hall, [After Notman], Provided by the artist - Andrzej Maciejewski, LL/33618
Andrzej Maciejewski, 1999-2001, Notre-Dame Street, [After Notman], Provided by the artist - Andrzej Maciejewski, LL/33592
Andrzej Maciejewski, 1999-2001, View of the Montreal Harbour, [After Notman], Provided by the artist - Andrzej Maciejewski, LL/33640
Andrzej Maciejewski, 1999-2001, Notre-Dame-de-Bon-Secours Chapel, St. Paul Street, [After Notman], Provided by the artist - Andrzej Maciejewski, LL/33626
Andrzej Maciejewski, 1999-2001, Redpath Museum, McGill University, [After Notman], Provided by the artist - Andrzej Maciejewski, LL/33600
Andrzej Maciejewski, 1999-2001, George Stephen's house - Mount Stephen Club, [After Notman], Provided by the artist - Andrzej Maciejewski, LL/33642
Andrzej Maciejewski, 1999, Sherbrooke Street, looking east from Mountain Street, Montreal, QC, [After Notman], Provided by the artist - Andrzej Maciejewski, LL/33644
Andrzej Maciejewski, 1999-2001, View of Montreal from Notre-Dame Church, [After Notman], Provided by the artist - Andrzej Maciejewski, LL/33620
Andrzej Maciejewski, 1999-2001, Jacques Cartier Square, [After Notman], Provided by the artist - Andrzej Maciejewski, LL/33624
Andrzej Maciejewski, 1999-2001, Montreal, QC, Looking south from Mount Royal, [After Notman], Provided by the artist - Andrzej Maciejewski, LL/33582
Andrzej Maciejewski, 1999-2001, Windsor Station, C.P.R., Peel Street, [After Notman], Provided by the artist - Andrzej Maciejewski, LL/33606
Andrzej Maciejewski, 1999-2001, Allan Memorial Institute, Montreal, QC, [After Notman], Provided by the artist - Andrzej Maciejewski, LL/33634
Andrzej Maciejewski, 1999-2001, View of Montreal from Notre-Dame Church, [After Notman], Provided by the artist - Andrzej Maciejewski, LL/33616

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