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Provided by the artist - Elizabeth Opalenik


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Elizabeth Opalenik, 2009, The Mordancage Process, Mordancage, Provided by the artist - Elizabeth Opalenik, LL/50841
Elizabeth Opalenik, 1991, Le fenouil with oats, Mordancage, Provided by the artist - Elizabeth Opalenik, LL/50818
Elizabeth Opalenik, 2010, Connected by Veils, Mordancage, Provided by the artist - Elizabeth Opalenik, LL/50838
Elizabeth Opalenik, 1983, Jean-Pierre Sudre in his darkroom, Lacoste, France, Black and white photograph, Provided by the artist - Elizabeth Opalenik, LL/50853
Elizabeth Opalenik, n.d., Finding Self, Mordancage, Provided by the artist - Elizabeth Opalenik, LL/50835
Elizabeth Opalenik, 2008, Becoming centered in the universe, Mordancage, Provided by the artist - Elizabeth Opalenik, LL/50828
Elizabeth Opalenik, 1997, Jean-Pierre and Claudine Sudre showing his prints,Aix-en-Provence, Black and white photograph, Provided by the artist - Elizabeth Opalenik, LL/50855
Claudine Sudre, n.d., Jean-Pierre Sudre, Black and white photograph, Provided by the artist - Elizabeth Opalenik, LL/50856
Disario, n.d., Elizabeth Opalenik, Colour photograph, Provided by the artist - Elizabeth Opalenik, LL/50845
Elizabeth Opalenik, 2006, Denis Brihat in his darkroom, Black and white photograph, Provided by the artist - Elizabeth Opalenik, LL/50852
Elizabeth Opalenik, 2008, Centered in the Universe, Mordancage, Provided by the artist - Elizabeth Opalenik, LL/50829
Elizabeth Opalenik, 2013, Stephanie with full moon, Mordancage, Provided by the artist - Elizabeth Opalenik, LL/50840
Elizabeth Opalenik, 2009, Full moon Rockridge, Mordancage, Provided by the artist - Elizabeth Opalenik, LL/50832
Elizabeth Opalenik, n.d., Claudine and Jean-Pierre Sudre, Black and white photograph, Provided by the artist - Elizabeth Opalenik, LL/50846
Elizabeth Opalenik, 1991, Le fenouil draped [Lacoste, France], Mordancage, Provided by the artist - Elizabeth Opalenik, LL/50819
Elizabeth Opalenik, n.d., Denis Brihat, Colour photograph, Provided by the artist - Elizabeth Opalenik, LL/50844
Elizabeth Opalenik, 2009, Changer la femme, Mordancage, Provided by the artist - Elizabeth Opalenik, LL/50834
Elizabeth Opalenik, 1994, Windswept [Norwalk, Connecticut], Mordancage, Provided by the artist - Elizabeth Opalenik, LL/50842
Elizabeth Opalenik, 1996, Jean-Pierre Sudre laughing with students, Black and white photograph, Provided by the artist - Elizabeth Opalenik, LL/50851
Elizabeth Opalenik, n.d., Book cover for "Poetic Grace", Book cover, Provided by the artist - Elizabeth Opalenik, LL/25561
Elizabeth Opalenik, 2012, Fanny Sudre-Bernard with Elizabeth Opalenik, Aix-en-Provence, Colour photograph, Provided by the artist - Elizabeth Opalenik, LL/50850
Elizabeth Opalenik, 1997, Breeze [Buonconvento, Italy], Mordancage, Provided by the artist - Elizabeth Opalenik, LL/50839
Elizabeth Opalenik, 2007, Landscape within, Mordancage, Provided by the artist - Elizabeth Opalenik, LL/50820
Elizabeth Opalenik, 2012, Catching the crystal moon, Mordancage, Provided by the artist - Elizabeth Opalenik, LL/50827
Elizabeth Opalenik, 2007, When angels dream, Mordancage, contact, Provided by the artist - Elizabeth Opalenik, LL/50843
Elizabeth Opalenik, 1983, Jean-Pierre Sudre showing his prints, Lacoste, France, Black and white photograph, Provided by the artist - Elizabeth Opalenik, LL/50854
Elizabeth Opalenik, n.d., Denis Brihat, Colour photograph, Provided by the artist - Elizabeth Opalenik, LL/50849
Elizabeth Opalenik, 2009, Claudine Sudre and Elizabeth Opalenik, Black and white photograph, Provided by the artist - Elizabeth Opalenik, LL/50847

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