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French & Sawyer
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French & Sawyer , n.d., 318. Dr. Russell's Laughing Gas Apparatus., [Miscellaneous Views], Stereocard, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/126891
French & Sawyer , n.d., Southern (New Hampshire) Belles with Straw Hats, Carte de visite, Private collection of Ron Coddington, LL/61554
French & Sawyer , 1861-1871, Harris & Co.'s new boarding house, [List of Stereoscopic Views in Harrisville, N.H.], Stereoview, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/108781
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French & Sawyer , n.d., Backlist for "Catalogue of Stereoscopic Views - Troy, N.H.", Stereocard, back, Jefferson Stereoptics, LL/107192

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