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Seaver & Pollock
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Seaver & Pollock, n.d., #10 Shooting the Alligator, [The Southern Series, Magnolia, Florida], Stereocard, Jefferson Stereoptics, LL/11762
Seaver & Pollock, n.d., #10 Shooting the Alligator (Detail), [The Southern Series, Magnolia, Florida], Stereocard, Jefferson Stereoptics, LL/11763
Seaver & Pollock, 1872 (?), 19 Love in a Cottage, [American Scenery, Southern Series, Florida], Stereocard, detail, Jefferson Stereoptics, LL/60469
Seaver & Pollock, 1872 (?), 19 Love in a Cottage, [American Scenery, Southern Series, Florida], Stereocard, Jefferson Stereoptics, LL/60470
Seaver & Pollock, 1872 (?), 19 Love in a Cottage, [American Scenery, Southern Series, Florida], Stereocard, back, Jefferson Stereoptics, LL/60471

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