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Stereo-Travel Co.
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Stereo-Travel Co., n.d., 91. Roslin Chapel, near Edinburgh, Scotland, [Scotland], Stereoview, Private collection of Peter Blair, LL/98638
Stereo-Travel Co., n.d., King Mindon't Tomb, in front of Royal Palace, Mandalay, Burma, [Burma], Stereoview, Private collection of Ira Stein, LL/101422
Stereo-Travel Co., 1898 (copyright), Military transportation cart and escort of Indian soldiers, Burma, [Burma], Stereoview, Private collection of Ira Stein, LL/101423
Stereo-Travel Co., 1908, Ecce Homo Arch, Jerusalem, Palestine, Stereocard, Archive Farms, LL/113194
Stereo-Travel Co., 1908 (copyright), A Burmese family of Rangoon, Burma, [Burma], Stereoview, Private collection of Ira Stein, LL/101286

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