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Webster & Albee
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Webster & Albee, n.d., [A paper moon with a girl holding a flag], Stereoview, Private collection of Christopher Steiner, LL/111940
Webster & Albee, n.d., [An elephant with a keeper taking people for a ride], Stereoview, hand-painted, Private collection of Andy Burr, LL/100715
Webster & Albee, n.d., 159 The Dolls' Favorite, Stereoview, McCord Stewart Museum, LL/121169
Webster & Albee, n.d., Things Seen and Not Seen, Stereoview, Private collection of Leigh Gleason, LL/114412
Webster & Albee, 1873-1898, Green Room, White House, Washington, D.C., Stereoview, hand-coloured, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/110937

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