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Alphonse Bertillon
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Alphonse Bertillon
Alphonse Bertillon, n.d., Alphonse Bertillon, Photograph, Creative Commons - Wikipedia, LL/34992
Alphonse Bertillon
Genealogy of Alphonse Bertillon
Lightbox > Portraits
Alphonse Bertillon, n.d., Alphonse Bertillon, Photograph, Creative Commons - Wikipedia, LL/34992
Alphonse Bertillon, n.d., Alphonse Bertillon, Printed illustration, BIU Santé, LL/45301
Alphonse Bertillon, n.d., Alphonse Bertillon (1853 - 1913), Engraving, Source requested, LL/1085
Nadar, n.d., Alphonse Bertillon, Albumen print, BIU Santé, LL/45290
Alphonse Bertillon, 1894 (ca), Alphonse Bertillon, Photograph, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/113471
Paul Nadar, 1900 (ca), Alphonse Bertillon, Gelatin silver print, Archive Farms, LL/113532
Alphonse Bertillon, 1908, 15 April, Anthropometric self-portrait [Autoportrait anthropométrique], Gelatin silver prints, Ader Nordmann, LL/59951
Alphonse Bertillon, 1912, Anthropometry card for Alphonse Bertillon [Front and back], Anthropometry card, Creative Commons - Wikipedia, LL/75820

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