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Benjamin West Kilburn
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Benjamin West Kilburn, n.d., #6911 "Watermelon sweet, Watermelon fine.", Stereoview, detail, Jefferson Stereoptics, LL/40277
Benjamin West Kilburn, n.d., 15787. Our Toronto Headquarter, Canada., Stereocard, The Jeffrey Kraus Collection, LL/96986
Benjamin West Kilburn, n.d., 15787. Our Toronto Headquarter, Canada., Stereocard, half, detail, The Jeffrey Kraus Collection, LL/96987
Benjamin West Kilburn, n.d., 16329. Order Department, B.W. Kilburn & Co's Stereoscopic View Factory., Stereocard, The Jeffrey Kraus Collection, LL/96988
Benjamin West Kilburn, n.d., 16331. Filling our orders, B.W. Kilburn & Co's Stereoscopic View Factory, Stereocard, The Jeffrey Kraus Collection, LL/96989

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