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Cornell Capa
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Cornell Capa, 1939, Savoy Ballroom, Harlem, New York City, Gelatin silver print, Peter Fetterman Gallery, LL/438
Cornell Capa, 1948, Pitching Ball, city block, New York, Gelatin silver print, Candace Dwan Gallery, LL/3722
Cornell Capa, 1949, Bojangles' Funeral (An African-American dancer and movie star, William Robinson), NYC, Gelatin silver print, Peter Fetterman Gallery, LL/437
Cornell Capa, 1950, A contestant at an Archery match in the forest of Arden, Warwickshire, Gelatin silver print, Peter Fetterman Gallery, LL/433
Cornell Capa, 1951, Early morning cold baths, Winchester College, Gelatin silver print, Peter Fetterman Gallery, LL/428

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