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Guillaume-Amant Duchenne de Boulogne
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Guillaume-Amant Duchenne de Boulogne, 1854-1855 (taken), Fright, [Mécanisme de la physionomie humaine (The Mechanism of Human Facial Expression) (1862)], Albumen print, National Gallery of Art, LL/78334
Guillaume-Amant Duchenne de Boulogne, 1860-1862 (ca), Portrait of a subject during Electrostimulation: 'la jeune fille', Albumen print, Rijksmuseum, LL/78940
Guillaume-Amant Duchenne de Boulogne, 1860-1862 (ca), Portrait of a subject during electrostimulation: 'une mère', Albumen print, Rijksmuseum, LL/78945
Guillaume-Amant Duchenne de Boulogne, 1860-1862 (ca), Portrait of a test subject during electrostimulation: 'un vieillard', Albumen print, Rijksmuseum, LL/78942
Guillaume-Amant Duchenne de Boulogne, 1860-1862 (ca), Test Subject ('la jeune fille') undergoing Electrostimulation, Albumen print, Rijksmuseum, LL/78939

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