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J.B. Linn
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J.B. Linn, 1862-1874, Confederate signal station in sleet, Stereoview, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/109608
J.B. Linn, 1886-1896, Gallery, "Point Lookout", [Views of Lookout Mountain and vicinity], Stereoview, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/109609
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J.B. Linn, n.d., Backlist for "Lookout Mountain Views, Photographed and Published by J.B. Linn, Lookout Mountain, Tennessee.", Stereocard, back, Private collection of Joan Hostetler, LL/106751
J.B. Linn, n.d., Backlist for "Lookout Mountain Views. Photographed and Published by J.B. Linn, Lookout Mountain, Tenn.", Stereocard, back, Private collection of Ira Stein, LL/106665
J.B. Linn, n.d., Backlist for "Lookout Mountain Views. Photographed and Published by J.B. Linn, Lookout Mountain, Tennessee.", Stereocard, back, Jefferson Stereoptics, LL/107250

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