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James Elliott
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James Elliott, n.d., A classical still life composition enhanced by subtle bicoloration, Stereoview, Private collection of Paula Fleming, LL/83508
James Elliott, n.d., A relaxed actor leaning on a chair, Carte de visite, Private collection of Laddy Kite, LL/99457
James Elliott, n.d., Crowning of Henry the Seventh on Bosworth Field, [English History Series], Stereocard, detail, Jefferson Stereoptics, LL/15803
James Elliott, n.d., Death of Thomas a'Becket, [English History Series], Stereocard, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/11302
James Elliott, n.d., Happiest Day of my Life, Stereocard, hand-coloured, half, detail, National Museums Scotland, LL/68422

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