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Jean-Pierre Sudre
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Jean-Pierre Sudre
Claudine Sudre, n.d., Jean-Pierre Sudre, Black and white photograph, Provided by the artist - Elizabeth Opalenik, LL/50856
Jean-Pierre Sudre
Genealogy of Jean-Pierre Sudre
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Claudine Sudre, n.d., Jean-Pierre Sudre, Black and white photograph, Provided by the artist - Elizabeth Opalenik, LL/50856
Elizabeth Opalenik, n.d., Claudine and Jean-Pierre Sudre, Black and white photograph, Provided by the artist - Elizabeth Opalenik, LL/50846
Elizabeth Opalenik, 1983, Jean-Pierre Sudre in his darkroom, Lacoste, France, Black and white photograph, Provided by the artist - Elizabeth Opalenik, LL/50853
Elizabeth Opalenik, 1983, Jean-Pierre Sudre showing his prints, Lacoste, France, Black and white photograph, Provided by the artist - Elizabeth Opalenik, LL/50854
Elizabeth Opalenik, 1996, Jean-Pierre Sudre laughing with students, Black and white photograph, Provided by the artist - Elizabeth Opalenik, LL/50851
Elizabeth Opalenik, 1997, Jean-Pierre and Claudine Sudre showing his prints,Aix-en-Provence, Black and white photograph, Provided by the artist - Elizabeth Opalenik, LL/50855

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