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Jean Manzon
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Jean Manzon
Unidentified photographer, n.d., Jean Manzon, Gelatin silver print, Private collection of Gery Cichowlas, LL/12601
Jean Manzon
  1. Jean Manzon's activities in France before World War II can be found in his biography - Henry Rebatel, Le regard du jaguar (Rennes: Éditions Ouest-France, 1991)

Helouise Costa
Professor and Curator of Museum of Contemporary Art
University of São Paulo
[February 2012]

Genealogy of Jean Manzon
Lightbox > Portraits
Unidentified photographer, n.d., Jean Manzon, Gelatin silver print, Private collection of Gery Cichowlas, LL/12601
Jean Manzon, 1938, 26 October, Front cover for "VU" (26 Octobre 1938), Magazine cover, Private collection, LL/47076

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