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John K. Hillers
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John K. Hillers
Unidentified photographer / artist, 1890s (ca), John Karl Hillers, probably in the 1890's when he was chief photographer at the USGS, during Powell's term of office, United States Geological Service, LL/6616
John K. Hillers
Genealogy of John K. Hillers
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John K. Hillers, 1872 (ca), Hillers in the field with his photographic equipment, Aquarius Plateau, Utah Territory, [ U.S. Geological Powell Survey], Stereoview, oversized, Swann Galleries - New York, LL/61507
John K. Hillers, 1872 (ca), John K. Hillers at work with his negatives. In camp, Aquarius Plateau, Utah Terr. Hillers was a photographer with the John Wesley Powell Geological Survey., National Archives and Records Administration, LL/35230
Almon Harris Thompson (1839-1906) or Grove Karl Gilbert (1843-1918), 1875, John K. Hillers (1843-1925) inspecting a photographic plate in Utah while surrounded by his equipment,, Albumen silver print, National Portrait Gallery, Smithsonian Institution, LL/95911
Unidentified photographer / artist, 1890s (ca), John Karl Hillers, probably in the 1890's when he was chief photographer at the USGS, during Powell's term of office, United States Geological Service, LL/6616
Unidentified photographer / artist, 1890s (ca), John Karl Hillers, probably in the 1890's when he was chief photographer at the USGS, during Powell's term of office., United States Geological Service, LL/6615

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