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Juan Pedro Chabalgoity
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Juan Pedro Chabalgoity, 1875 (ca), [Photo Collage: Cook at Charcoal Stove], Carte de visite, albumen silver print, lithographs, Metropolitan Museum of Art, LL/95614
Juan Pedro Chabalgoity, 1875 (ca), [Photo Collage: Dog Jumping at Man], Carte de visite, albumen silver print, lithographs, Metropolitan Museum of Art, LL/95617
Juan Pedro Chabalgoity, 1875 (ca), [Photo Collage: Girl with Doll], Carte de visite, albumen silver print, lithographs, Metropolitan Museum of Art, LL/95592
Juan Pedro Chabalgoity, 1875 (ca), [Photo Collage: Man Carrying Umbrellas], Carte de visite, albumen silver print, lithographs, Metropolitan Museum of Art, LL/95594
Juan Pedro Chabalgoity, 1875 (ca), [Photo Collage: Man Drawing Bust], Carte de visite, albumen silver print, lithographs, Metropolitan Museum of Art, LL/95618

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