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Louis Rousseau
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Louis Rousseau, 1853, Class of sponges. Iphythion Panicea of the Antilles, Salt print, retouched background, Bazar Nadar / Wouter Lambrechts, LL/122434
Louis Rousseau, 1853 (ca), Coral (Stylaster flabelliformis), Salted paper print, Princeton University Art Museum, LL/122435
Louis Rousseau, 1856, View of Reykjavík (Udsigt over Reykjavík), Photograph, mounted on cardboard, Kongernes Samling, LL/120925
Louis Rousseau, 1856, Young Icelandic woman, Photograph, Musée de l'Homme, LL/122441
Louis Rousseau, 1856 (or later), [Portrait of a woman Icelander], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/122436

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