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Pablo Picasso
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Pablo Picasso
Pablo Picasso
Genealogy of Pablo Picasso
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Unidentified photographer, n.d., Pablo Picasso, Real photo postcard, Swann Galleries - New York, LL/34082
Robert Capa, 1948, Pablo Picasso and Françoise Gilot, France, Gelatin silver print, Peter Fetterman Gallery, LL/439
Robert Capa, 1951 (taken) 2007 (publication), Golfe-Juan, France. 1951. Pablo Picasso, Françoise Gilot and Javier Vilato, [Magnum Founders], Platinum print, Verso Limited Editions, LL/28609
Robert Doisneau, 1952, Picasso et Francoise Gilot, Gelatin silver print, Staley+Wise Gallery, LL/5581
Robert Doisneau, 1952 (taken) 1960s (print), Pains de Picasso, Silver print, Swann Galleries - New York, LL/23180
Edward Quinn, 1953 (taken, later print), Pablo Picasso drawing with his children at Villa La Galloise, Vallauris, [Riviera Cocktail], Gelatin silver print, Scalo|Guye (CLOSED - June 30, 2008), LL/25029
Arnold Newman, 1954, Pablo Picasso, Vallauris, France, Gelatin silver print, collage, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/33282
Arnold Newman, 1954, Pablo Picasso, Vallauris, France, Gelatin silver print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/92729
Philippe Halsman, 1955, Marc Chagall & Pablo Picasso, St. Paul de Vence, Gelatin silver print, Galerie Zur Stockeregg, LL/4478
André Villers, 1956, The eyes of Picasso, Cannes, [Bonjour Picasso], Silver gelatin print, Michael Hoppen Gallery, LL/8255
André Villers, 1956 (print) 1999 (collage), Picasso with Van Gogh's Irises, [Bonjour Picasso], Silver gelatin print, with colour collage, Michael Hoppen Gallery, LL/8254
David Douglas Duncan, 1963-1964, Pablo Picasso and one of his paintings, [Prismatics], Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center at the University of Texas at Austin, LL/7884
André Villers, 1994, Picasso et ses Amis, [Bonjour Picasso], Silver gelatin print, with colour collage, Michael Hoppen Gallery, LL/8252
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