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Rudolf Dührkoop
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Rudolf Dührkoop, n.d., Mother and Child, Opalotype - a photograph on white glass, National Science and Media Museum, LL/48214
Rudolf Dührkoop, 1890 (ca), Portrait of a girl, Cabinet card, Private collection of Fostin Cotchen, LL/124326
Rudolf Dührkoop, 1899, Alfred Lichtwark, Photographic print, Creative Commons - Wikipedia, LL/42197
Rudolf Dührkoop, 1900, Burgermeister Haachmann, [Die Kunst in der Photographie], Photogravure, Antiq-Photo, LL/8756
Rudolf Dührkoop, 1900, Bürgermeister Hachmann, [Die Kunst in der Photographie (Art Folio #6)], Photogravure, Photoseed, LL/18704

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