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Thomas C. Roche
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Thomas C. Roche, n.d., East River Pier the Riggings of Sailing Ships, with Brooklyn Bridge in Background [New York], Photograph, Private collection of Clark and Joan Worswick, LL/50716
Thomas C. Roche, n.d., New York City, Old Fire house Fire Crew, Engine, 2 Horses, Photograph, Private collection of Clark and Joan Worswick, LL/50717
Thomas C. Roche, 1861-1865 (ca), Civil War Photographers Van, Photograph, detail, Private collection of Clark and Joan Worswick, LL/50715
Thomas C. Roche, 1862 (ca), Camp Dinner, [War Views – Army of the Potomac. No. 2056], Stereo, DeGolyer Library, South Methodist University - SMU, LL/50096
Thomas C. Roche, 1862 (ca), Camp Dinner, [War Views – Army of the Potomac. No. 2056], Stereo, detail, DeGolyer Library, South Methodist University - SMU, LL/50125

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