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E.K. Tenison
Mr. E. K. Tenison, of Kilbonan Castle, exhibited a number of photographs of very large size, representing views in Spain.

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John Sproule The Irish Industrial Exhibition of 1853: A Detailed Catalogue of its Contents (Dublin: James McGlashan, 1854), Class X, p.234-235.
Mr. E. K. Tenison, of Kilbonan Castle, exhibited a number of photographs of very large size, representing views in Spain. Although we have seen some French photographs, especially those of M. Martens, of Pans, far superior to those views, yet, when we take their great size into account, they were certainly remarkable examples, and showed what may be expected from this branch of art, when fully perfected. The finest and most effective specimen in the whole collection was a view of the city of Toledo; the view of the east end of Burgos Cathedral was also admirable; as were those of the Church of San Pablo. at Valladolid; and the Royal Palace of Madrid. There were two examples of the effects of treating (the pictures with solutions of certain substances. One was a charming view of Cordova, of a peculiar and exceedingly agreeable warm yellow tint, produced by immersing the positive picture in extemely dilute muriatic acid. There was another example of this fine sunny, sepia-like tint, in a pretty view of the Gate of Cordova. The second example of the effect of certain solutions was a view of the Palio de los Reyes, or Escurial, which had a curious violet tint, produced by immersing the picture in a solution of chloride of gold in aqua regia. It was, in fact, to some extent, an example of the chrysotype of Herschel, above alluded to. Several of these photographs exhibited great inequality of tints, such as the Portal of Leon Cathedral, which was too black in the doorways; and the Congresso de los Deputados, or Chamber of Deputies, at Madrid, the fore-ground of which was absolutely black. It is probable, that had the negatives of these pictures been weakened by the process of Blanquart-Everard, they would have been excellent. This defect is most likely to occur in taking views of buildings where there is a great contrast of light and shade, and hence the process alluded to for weakening the negative is worthy of attention.


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