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Photo outlets
Missouri Historical Society
St. Louis, MO

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Thomas Easterly, 1847, 18 June (taken) 1874-1878 (cabinet card), Daguerreotype of a Streak of Lightning taken June 18th 1847 at 9 o'clock P.M. By T.M. Easterly St. Louis Mo., Cabinet card, Missouri Historical Society, LL/36414
Thomas Easterly, n.d., Monument to Our Little Sergeant Willie, First Battalion, Thirteenth U.S. Infantry. Calvary Cemetery. [Willie was Gen. W.T. Sherman's son], Daguerreotype, Missouri Historical Society, LL/67861
Thomas Easterly, 1854 (ca), Chouteau's Pond. View of drained area with cows. Collier's White Lead factory in background., Daguerreotype, Missouri Historical Society, LL/36396
Thomas Easterly, 1870, Fourth Street North from Olive, Bell's Gallery, Daguerreotype, Missouri Historical Society, LL/36389
Thomas Easterly, 1852, Big Mound, Fifth and Mound Streets, Daguerreotype, Missouri Historical Society, LL/67857
Thomas Easterly, n.d., Unidentified young African American woman, profile view., Daguerreotype, Missouri Historical Society, LL/47651
Thomas Easterly, n.d., Margaret Bailey Townsend, Daguerreotype, Missouri Historical Society, LL/67862
Thomas Easterly, 1866, Monument to Our Seddie. [Seddie Leonidas Clark, 1844-1865], Daguerreotype, Missouri Historical Society, LL/67864
Thomas Easterly, 1865, 1 January, Advertisement for "Daguerreotypes.", Advert, Missouri Historical Society, LL/67906
Thomas Easterly, n.d., Unidentified American Indian holding knife, Daguerreotype, Missouri Historical Society, LL/67869
Thomas Easterly, 1869, Big Mound, Looking East from Fifth and Mound Streets, Daguerreotype, Missouri Historical Society, LL/67858
Thomas Easterly, 1847, Children's Chief, [Op-po-noos or Appanoose] Sac and Fox, Daguerreotype, Missouri Historical Society, LL/67853
Unidentified photographer, 1865 (ca), French Holis. Thief and Pickpocket., [Rogues Gallery Collection], Ambrotype, Missouri Historical Society, LL/105072
Thomas Easterly, 1849, Na-che-ninga [No Heart of Fear], a Chief of the Iowas, Daguerreotype, Missouri Historical Society, LL/67840
Thomas Easterly, 1850, Chouteau's Pond, View South from 8th and Clark Streets, Daguerreotype, Missouri Historical Society, LL/36395
Thomas Easterly, 1851 (ca), St. Louis Court House, unfinished portion and Old Court House, Daguerreotype, Missouri Historical Society, LL/36400
Thomas Easterly, 1845-1855, Seneca Indian "Red Jacket." [Isaac Newton Parker], Daguerreotype, Missouri Historical Society, LL/67868
Thomas Easterly, 1852-1854, Big Mound. Fifth and Mound Streets, St. Louis, Daguerreotype, Missouri Historical Society, LL/36410
Thomas Easterly, 1854 (ca), Third Street, looking North from Olive Street, showing St. Louis Intelligencer Office., Daguerreotype, Missouri Historical Society, LL/36399
Thomas Easterly, 1866 (ca), Cracker Castle, residence of Jonathon O. Pierce, Daguerreotype, Missouri Historical Society, LL/36392
Unidentified photographer, 1863 (ca), Wm. D. Keedy. Clark., [Rogues Gallery Collection], Tintype, Missouri Historical Society, LL/105075
Thomas Easterly, n.d., Still Life, " Trompe D'ouil " [Flag, lamp and daguerreotype materials], Daguerreotype, Missouri Historical Society, LL/47650
Unidentified photographer, 1851-1869 (ca), Unidentified young man wearing a coat., [Rogues Gallery Collection], Tintype, Missouri Historical Society, LL/105070
Thomas Easterly, 1855 (ca), Pacific Railroad locomotive Gasconade, Daguerreotype, Missouri Historical Society, LL/36398
Thomas Easterly, 1847, Keokuk's wife and grandson, Daguerreotype, Missouri Historical Society, LL/67867
Thomas Easterly, 1869, Destruction of Big Mound, Daguerreotype, Missouri Historical Society, LL/36411
Thomas Easterly, 1855, Enoch Long, Daguerrean, Daguerreotype, Missouri Historical Society, LL/80194
Thomas Easterly, 1852, Ninth Street looking north from Chestnut Street. Inscribed: "Ninth Street, St. Louis, Mo.", Daguerreotype, Missouri Historical Society, LL/36394
Thomas Easterly, 1849, 17-18 May, Ruins of the Great St. Louis Fire, Daguerreotype, Missouri Historical Society, LL/36401
Thomas Easterly, 1869, Big Mound during destruction, The last of the Big Mound, Daguerreotype, Missouri Historical Society, LL/67852
Thomas Easterly, 1856, Public High School, first in St. Louis. Northeast corner of Fifteenth and Olive., Daguerreotype, Missouri Historical Society, LL/67835
Thomas Easterly, 1849, Na-che-ninga [No Heart of Fear], a Chief of the Iowas, Daguerreotype, Missouri Historical Society, LL/67866
Thomas Easterly, 1849, Mahee (Knife) with his wife Kunzanya, and child, Iowa, Daguerreotype, Missouri Historical Society, LL/67855
Thomas Easterly, 1849, Na-che-ninga, Chief of the Iowas, Daguerreotype, Missouri Historical Society, LL/33162
Thomas Easterly, 1867, Fourth Street looking North to intersection with Locust Street, Daguerreotype, Missouri Historical Society, LL/36393
Thomas Easterly, 1867, Ruins of the Lindell Hotel, after fire of 30 March 1867, Daguerreotype, Missouri Historical Society, LL/67836
Thomas Easterly, 1869, Big Mound during destruction, Daguerreotype, Missouri Historical Society, LL/67859
Thomas Easterly, n.d., African American man, unidentified, grey hair and goatee, with rough looking hat, buckskin vest, and heavy corduroy jacket, Daguerreotype, Missouri Historical Society, LL/67856
Unidentified photographer, 1857 (ca), John Ross. Thief., [Rogues Gallery Collection], Ambrotype, Missouri Historical Society, LL/105074
Thomas Easterly, 1848, Locust Street looking east from Fourth Street. View of lumber yard, Daguerreotype, Missouri Historical Society, LL/36403
Thomas Easterly, 1869, Big Mound during destruction, Daguerreotype, Missouri Historical Society, LL/67851
Thomas Easterly, 1849, Na-che-ninga [No Heart of Fear], a Chief of the Iowas, Daguerreotype, Missouri Historical Society, LL/67863
Thomas Easterly, 1850 (ca), Little German Band, Daguerreotype, Missouri Historical Society, LL/36408
Thomas Easterly, 1851 (ca), Fourth and Olive Streets, Northwest corner. Burritt's Gallery, Daguerreotype, Missouri Historical Society, LL/36391
Thomas Easterly, 1865, St. Louis Court House, showing completed dome, Daguerreotype, Missouri Historical Society, LL/67849
Thomas Easterly, 1847, Keokuk or the Watchful Fox, Daguerreotype, Missouri Historical Society, LL/36409
Thomas Easterly, 1849, Nacheninga [No Heart of Fear], Iowa, Daguerreotype, Missouri Historical Society, LL/67845
Unidentified photographer, 1867 (ca), Wm. Murphy. Burglar., [Rogues Gallery Collection], Tintype, Missouri Historical Society, LL/105071
Thomas Easterly, 1869, Big Mound during destruction. the last of the Big Mound, Daguerreotype, Missouri Historical Society, LL/36413
Thomas Easterly, 1847, Children's Chief, [Op-po-noos or Appanoose] Sac and Fox, Daguerreotype, Missouri Historical Society, LL/67844
Thomas Easterly, 1869, Big Mound during destruction, The last of the Big Mound, Daguerreotype, Missouri Historical Society, LL/67860
Thomas Easterly, 1848, Canton Tea Company and Union Fire Company # 2, Fourth and Olive Street, Northwest corner. [Laterally reversed]., Daguerreotype, Missouri Historical Society, LL/36407
Thomas Easterly, 1869, Big Mound During Destruction, Daguerreotype, Missouri Historical Society, LL/36412
Thomas Easterly, 1851, 18 July, Chouteau's Pond, South to Eight and Gratiot, Daguerreotype, Missouri Historical Society, LL/36397
Thomas Easterly, 1850 (ca), Old Spanish Fort, later Roy's Mill, Riverfront at foot of Biddle Street, Steamer Wyoming at river bank, Daguerreotype, Missouri Historical Society, LL/36404
Unidentified photographer, 1851-1859 (ca), Unidentified woman wearing a shawl., [Rogues Gallery Collection], Tintype, Missouri Historical Society, LL/105076
Unidentified photographer, 1861, 31 January, Paul Blacey. Jewelry Shoplifter., [Rogues Gallery Collection], Ambrotype, Missouri Historical Society, LL/105068
Thomas Easterly, 1852, Chouteau's Pond, Man putting boat into water, Daguerreotype, Missouri Historical Society, LL/67842
Thomas Easterly, 1849, Na-che-ninga [No Heart of Fear], a Chief of the Iowas, Daguerreotype, Missouri Historical Society, LL/67854
Unidentified photographer, 1904, Mr. Lazarnick and Mrs. Jessie Tarbox Beals about to ascend in a captive balloon to take midair photos at the 1904 World's Fair., Black and white photograph, Missouri Historical Society, LL/64660
Thomas Easterly, 1853, Josephine Clofullia [Madame Clofullia, P.T. Barnum's "Bearded Lady of Geneva"], Daguerreotype, Missouri Historical Society, LL/47652
Thomas Easterly, 1845, Self-portrait of Thomas Easterly, Daguerreotype, Missouri Historical Society, LL/91498
Thomas Easterly, 1847, Children's Chief, [Op-po-noos or Appanoose] Sac and Fox, Daguerreotype, Missouri Historical Society, LL/67841
Thomas Easterly, 1866 (ca), Fourth Street looking South from Olive Street, Daguerreotype, Missouri Historical Society, LL/36402
Thomas Easterly, 1865, Judge Silas Bent Residence, Daguerreotype, Missouri Historical Society, LL/67848
Unidentified photographer, 1858 (ca), Alex. Breeland. Counterfeiter., [Rogues Gallery Collection], Ambrotype, Missouri Historical Society, LL/105069
Thomas Easterly, 1850s, Lynch's Slave Market, 104 Locust Street [St. Louis], Daguerreotype, Missouri Historical Society, LL/112537
Thomas Easterly, 1848, 28 March, Tom Thumb's First Visit to St. Louis, Fourth and Olive Streets, northwest corner looking west from Fourth, 28 March 1848, Daguerreotype, Missouri Historical Society, LL/67846
Thomas Easterly, 1858, Lucas Place looking East from Sixteenth Street to Fourteenth Street, Daguerreotype, Missouri Historical Society, LL/67847
Thomas Easterly, 1860 (ca), St. Louis Park Beer Garden, South Broadway, Daguerreotype, Missouri Historical Society, LL/36406
Unidentified photographer, 1867 (ca), John Mauly. Thief. Pickpocket., [Rogues Gallery Collection], Tintype, Missouri Historical Society, LL/105073
Thomas Easterly, 1847, Children's Chief, [Op-po-noos or Appanoose] Sac and Fox, Daguerreotype, Missouri Historical Society, LL/67839
Thomas Easterly, 1869, Big Mound shown partially graded, Daguerreotype, Missouri Historical Society, LL/67850

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